(Did you know “A joke a day keeps the doctor away”? Unless he happens to be your fun-Doctor, in which case enhanced empathy with him is the outcome!)
The elderly Frenchman in his local church’s confessional says: “Forgive me Father, for I have sinned. During World War Two, a beautiful woman knocked at my door & asked me to hide her from enemy. I put her up in the attic.”
“No need to ask forgiveness for that my son”, says the priest. “It was a wonderful thing to do.”
“Yeah,” says the man “but she started offering me sexual favours in return and I went along with it.”
“People in wartime situations do funny things. If you are truly sorry for your actions, you are forgiven”
“That’s a great load off my mind,” says the old man. “May I ask you a question?”
“Of course.”
“She’s getting on a bit old now. Should I tell her the war is over?”